Transform Green Spaces into Food Spaces
Our goal at Flint River Fresh is to support people from diverse backgrounds and make a difference in the communities where they live by providing access to safe, healthy, locally-grown and affordable food. We accomplish this through transformation of blighted spaces into community food spaces and hands on educational opportunities.
“Thank you so much for the fresh produce bag Flint River Fresh delivered.
I sometimes go months without fruits and vegetables because they are so expensive.” -Program Participant, Senior Produce Giveaway through Dougherty Fresh
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Increased Access to fresh, affordable food
Flint River Fresh actively manages and provides technical assistance for over four acres of urban farms, more than 237 garden beds, and 3/4 acre of urban orchards in Colquitt, Dougherty, and Sumter Counties that grow and donate produce directly to those in need. Over 1,000 pounds of produce grown in the 5th Avenue Community Garden was donated to hunger relief or harvested by neighbors in need over the past year alone.
Natural Resource Conservation
Flint River Fresh hosts workshops and educational opportunities to the general public on Community Farm Sites that highlight the importance of natural resource conservation, highlighting topics such as composting, cover cropping, and crop rotation. This year, Flint River Fresh has hosted 13 community workshops. Launched in 2019, the Sustainable Learning Center at the Sunbelt Ag Expo is a learning farm open to thousands of attendees to promote natural resource conservation and urban farming. This year, Flint River Fresh is working with the Georgia National Fair to launch the Starbuck Learning Farm with a similar experiential, hands-on educational concept as other Community Farm Sites.
Economic Opportunity for local farmers
Flint River Fresh maintains relationships with local farmers to purchase food for produce giveaways with community partners. This year, Flint River Fresh has made over 800 produce deliveries, donating healthy foods throughout the community, including to low income households, local seniors, and youth.
Youth Development, empowerment, and education
Flint River Fresh works alongside Dougherty County School Nutrition and Partners of Excellence to maintain school garden sites at Dougherty County Elementary Schools, offering students hands-on educational opportunities and instilling healthy habits. This year, over 1,000 pounds of produce were harvested from school garden sites, engaging students from seed to harvest. Through an innovative partnership with 4C Academy, Flint River Fresh expands upon youth education through paid agribusiness and entrepreneurial opportunities for high school students in Dougherty County.
Explore more of How flint river fresh Is Empowering Communities To Become Food Secure
Special thanks to Pivot Family for video production
Growing a home garden
Growing food in a 5 gallon bucket
School Garden Construction at Turner Elementary
FRF Community Farm Site food donations