Accepting Applications NOW | Youth in Ag | Paid Internship Opportunity ****
Accepting Applications NOW | Youth in Ag | Paid Internship Opportunity ****
New Fresh Urban Farmers
is a work-based learning (PAID internship) youth development program for Dougherty County high school students to learn technical gardening and farming skills that grows food for their community, gain exposure to new foods through culinary arts, explore entrepreneurial training to help get their business model off the ground, and understand the importance of servant leadership in transforming our neighborhoods.
Hands on Learning
NFUF interns will receive expert guidance while exploring sustainable farm training and skills application at urban farms and schoolyard market garden sites. Trainees will work closely with Flint River Fresh staff and industry professionals to master the foundations of sustainable agriculture. NFUF interns learn a wide range of skills through intensive workshops on topics such as basic growing, harvesting, value-added processing, climate smart agriculture, pest management, crop planning, seed starting and more.
Life Skills Learning
The NFUF program aims to foster an environment in which students can cultivate important life skills – including effective communication, self-motivation, goal setting, conflict management, public speaking and more. Instruction includes how to prepare low-cost, healthy meals and snacks at home based on the Cooking Matters program. Adventurous field trips will expose NFUF interns to sustainable agriculture including growing fields and assemble produce boxes for partner agencies’ community food distributions.
We are inspiring the next generation of agriculture and urban farming entrepreneurs by providing direct business planning curriculum and assistance. NFUF develops and implement their small businesses from start to finish. In addition to building the business and the product, each student presents their business plan to the broader community at a public event. Additionally, students will gain first-hand experience marketing and selling their products to customers at 4C on Front retail store (coming Fall 2025).
Leadership Development
The NFUF program provides high school students with opportunities to develop as leaders and grow as individuals. Program participants interact with the community on a regular basis. Through NFUF, mentees will make public presentations, attend local conferences, lead farm and garden tours, work closely with agriculture and outreach professionals, and place fresh produce in the hands of our most vulnerable through community food distributions. NFUF leadership skills are cultivated through meaningful responsibilities and high expectations.
more About Our NFUF Program
During the Academic Year (September through May), young people dedicate two Saturdays and after-school hours to lead volunteers on urban farm and schoolyard market garden sites, work at local food banks, distribute fresh produce with community partners, prepare healthy, low-cost meals and snacks, learn about value-added processing, and attend community events to speak about their experience working with Flint River Fresh.
They work an average of 8 – 12 hours per week and are paid a wage of $10/hour.
This program is supported by USDA’s Urban Agriculture and Innovation Grant and community partners.